Create some time and space for now ... and what's next
Coaching By Meanwhile
Community Support
9 Levels
Reorienting is about catching up with yourself as you and the world around you changes. This quest helps you account for what is happening in your life, within the context of what led you to here and now. Being able to do so is critical for wayfinding through life’s uncertainties, especially when traditional signposts fail as guides. Practice taking perspectives on what has shaped you into who you are today as you turn toward what possibilities lie next.
Coaching By Meanwhile
Community Support
9 Levels
Connecting is about being present and tuned in with whatever you are engaging. This quest helps you slow down when moving too fast and keeping too busy, such that life is passing you by. This quest enables you to re-learn how to engage what’s familiar and take yourself beyond. Practice opening yourself to what’s happening around you, magical or mundane, positive and difficult, with curiosity and wonder.
Coaching By Meanwhile
Community Support
9 Levels
Pursuing is about you moving forward, investing time and effort in what matters to you and in a way that stays open to fresh possibilities. This quest encourages active, ongoing experimentation more than specific achievements or finding the “right thing.” Serendipity is embraced. Options are kept open, to be reshaped and pruned, as needed, within the bounds of both vision and realism. Practice learning as you go in a way that keeps you vital.
Coaching By Meanwhile
Community Support
9 Levels
Adjusting is about defining what you want to shift in the makeup of your life portfolio and how you want to engage it all. This may involve the patterns for work, recreation and self and social care, and what makes all of it more sustainable. It may involve updating--and renegotiating--the terms and conditions so that they fit better what’s important to you now. Practice designing and discerning what will fit into a sustainable way of living your life.
Guided Meanwhile Quests for Individuals or Groups
Coaching By Fred
Community Support
5 Levels
The "it" in slow it down, sort it out, and make it work is your life. A quest is about making room for a period of time to invest in yourself, how you engage in the present and step toward what's next. As a guided experience, you'll have a partner for planning and adjusting the path, as well as for checking in and debriefing. The process enables you to shape and stay with your over a period of time. A quest is not an event, rather, it is a pathway that you make by walking it.
You can enroll as an individual. You also can enroll as a small group (maximum 4) if you want to share the journey with others you know.